Family Search

Family Hahn and Sturm
from Rheinland-Pfalz and Saxony-Anhalt

Pool Warsleben




Cemetary Warsleben




St. Pankratius Hamersleben


My father’s family, Hans-Georg Sturm, is originally from Saxony-Anhalt. Places that I visited are Ausleben, Hamersleben, Oschersleben, Wackersleben, and Warsleben.


As a child I visited a few times with my father Warsleben where his mother lived. The visits stopped when the Berlin wall was built and the East German government didn’t allow visits anymore. Nowadays we can visit this part of Germany again and it is quite nice. It’s a very agricultural area and offers city people stress-free vacations.


My information to my father’s family side is very limited. But the little information I have can be read under Sturm Photos. Note-worthy information has been added and will continually be updated.


Andreas Friedrich Hermann Sturm

Reinhold Sturm

Rainer Sturm



Anneliese Sturm

Annegret Bialke

Christian Hackbart


Hans-Georg Sturm

Mariella Sturm

Andrea Kaster

Julius Fohr

Clemens Fohr

Jan Michael Kern


Gabriele Sturm



Ute Sturm



Julia Sturm

Hanna Moritz


Jakob Moritz


Christiane Sturm

Katharina Frank


Update: 1.28.2007


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